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Purdue Agricultural Economics Department Honors Katrina Hall

Indiana Farm Bureau Director of Public Policy Katrina Hall was honored by the Purdue University Department of Agricultural Economics. Hall was one of four recipients of the department’s annual Apex Awards.

According to the department website, the award recognizes alumni with a strong connection to the department who have made great contributions in their field. Hall was recognized for her policy advocacy efforts throughout her career on the behalf of INFB members at the state, local and national level. She is well respected by her peers as an expert on tax and fiscal issues, local and state government, and education policy. Hall currently serves as the chair of the board of the Indiana Fiscal Policy Institute.

“It is such an honor to receive the Apex Award from my alma mater. I learned many valuable lessons during my time at Purdue which have been useful in my career,” said Hall. “I have always valued the solid foundation I received there. Most important, Purdue opened my eyes to the world and I am grateful to be a Boilermaker.”

“I grew up knowing that the Purdue Department of Agricultural Economics was the thought leader in Ag policy and witnessed firsthand their direct outreach to farmers,” Hall added. “They are a critical partner working toward the betterment of agriculture through the policy process at Farm Bureau. I cannot say enough about the contribution this department and the College of Agriculture make in Indiana.”

Hall has been with INFB since 1999. Before becoming the director of public policy, she served as INFB’s director of state government relations and as the organization’s tax and local government specialist before that. Randy Kron, INFB president, said Hall’s time at INFB has been focused on legislative issues that matter to the agricultural industry and that has not gone unnoticed.

“Katrina has a wealth of knowledge on a variety of topics that are important to farmers. She also has built meaningful relationships with influential people in local, state and national government,” said Kron. “With her knowledge and network, Katrina has worked hard to protect and positively impact agriculture. Katrina is an essential member of the Farm Bureau team, and she is very worthy of this outstanding recognition.”

The department Hall oversees at INFB is essential to the organization’s grassroots structure. Each year, INFB members in all 92 counties have the opportunity to make policy recommendations for the organization. Hall and her team compile all of those suggestions to be voted on by INFB’s farmer members before the General Assembly reconvenes. Once priority policy positions are identified, Hall and her team work throughout the session to share those positions with legislators and to help INFB members connect with their elected officials.

“I’m grateful for the role I have to help our members find their voice when it comes to policy issues,” Hall said. “When I see our members unite under a common voice for agricultural interests and achieve legislative successes, it is extremely rewarding.”