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Co-Alliance, LLP Honored with Governor’s Half Century Business Award

Local Indiana cooperative Co-Alliance, LLP, was honored by Governor Eric J. Holcomb with the Governor’s Half Century Business Award for the business’ contributions over its 91 year history to the state economy and work force.

“Co-Alliance is proud of its rich cooperative history,” said Co-Alliance CEO Kevin Still. “Since the co-ops joined to form the Co-Alliance partnership, we’ve been able to serve the needs of our member-owners, customers and local communities as they’ve changed throughout the years. We look forward to finding
new opportunities to do so over the next fifty years and further.”

Co-Alliance is a partnership of five agricultural co-ops: Midland Co-op Inc., Impact Cooperative Inc., Frontier Co-op, Inc., LaPorte County Farm Bureau Cooperative Association, Inc. and Excel Cooperative Inc. The original county co-ops were organized in the late 1920s and combined over time to create the
five entities that make up the Co-Alliance partnership today.

Co-Alliance currently employs over 500 Hoosiers and operates over 50 branch locations across the state providing services in the areas agronomy, petroleum fuels and propane, grain storage and marketing, and swine and animal nutrition.

The Governor’s Century and Half Century Business Awards honor Hoosier businesses that have remained in operation for a minimum of 50 or 100 consecutive years and have also demonstrated a commitment to community service. Nearly 1,500 companies from across the state have been recognized during the
27-year history of the award.