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Weekend Rains Game Changer for Indiana Crops

Weekend Rains Game Changer for Indiana Crops

Crop conditions in many areas look a lot different this week than last, thanks to some timely rains.  Storms that moved across Indiana brought much-needed rain to many fields, especially in East Central Indiana, according to Andrew Ferrel with DuPont Pioneer. “That rain was a real game changer,” he stated. “We had crops in East Central Indiana that had only received about ½ inch of rain since planting. The weekend rains really made a difference.”

The U.S. Drought Monitor identified a stretch of abnormally dry ground stretching from Vincennes in the Southwest to Marion in Central Indiana. This swath passes south of Lebanon and North of Bloomington. Portions of Lake and Jasper County were also dry.

Ferrel says the crops are responding, especially the corn, “We are seeing some very quick response and very rapid growth, in fact in some fields you can see signs of ‘rapid growth’ syndrome.”

Some areas did see some high winds and hail, but crop damage seems to be minimal. Ferrel said, “There were some reports of root lodging and hail damage, but I think they are mostly cosmetic and should straighten out in the next few weeks.”  He says the dry weather that stressed the crops last week has kept the disease and insect pressure down so far this season.

The latest USDA report rated 75% of Indiana corn in good to excellent condition.  Seventy-three percent of the soybeans were rated as good to excellent.