Administration Approves $50 Billion in 301 Tariffs

Farmers for Free Trade Executive Director Brian Kuehl says the Trump Administration’s approval of $50 billion worth of imported goods from China is “scary.” The tariffs on Chinese imports will result in heavy retaliatory tariffs on U.S. agricultural exports. “For American farmers, this isn’t theatrical anymore, it’s scary,” Kuehl says. “It’s no longer a negotiating tactic, it’s a tax on their livelihoods. Within days, soybean, corn, wheat, and other American farmers are likely to be hit with retaliatory tariffs of up to 25 percent on the exports that keep their operations afloat. When they do, they aren’t going to remain silent.”

Farmers for Free Trade says these tariffs are not only a blow to U.S. farmers, it’s a win for our competitors. When American corn and soybeans become more expensive, South America wins. When American beef becomes more expensive, Australia wins. As this trade war drags on, the group says farmers will rightly question why U.S. competitors are winning while American farmers are losing. Kuehl adds, “Farmers for Free Trade will continue to hold town hall meetings across the country this summer to ensure that farmers voices are being heard. The message will be heard loud and clear. American farmers demand that elected officials support them by ending this trade war.”

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