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Disease Cropping Up in Indiana Corn and Soybeans

Disease Cropping Up in Indiana Corn and Soybeans

With the warm, humid, and moist growing conditions this year, Corteva Disease Management Technical Expert Mike Meyer says they’re seeing some northern corn leaf blight, but a lot of gray leaf spot on corn. He says both of those diseases work up off of the residue, especially in corn on corn environments. He also says growers need to be scouting for southern corn rust.

“We have seen it, especially that southern tier of Indiana counties, the past few years and it was just recently identified in Missouri and potentially southern Illinois. So, growers should be on the lookout.”

According to Meyer, you’ll get your best return on investment if you apply Dupont Aproach Prima fungicide to corn at the VT stage. He adds that in a normal year, you’ll notice a reduced ROI and yield response after the R2 growth stage. As for soybeans, Meyer says, “We have some annual players that are always there like septoria brown spot, but really the driver disease that reduces soybean yields from a fungal foliar perspective is frogeye leaf spot. The ideal timing to control frogeye leaf spot with a product like Aproach Prima is at that R3 timing.”

You can find more information on Dupont Aproach Prima fungicide here.