American Soybean Association Joins Farmers for Free Trade

The American Soybean Association this week announced it will join Farmers for Free Trade. Representing soybean farmers across the nation, ASA is joining the bipartisan campaign self-described as “amplifying the voices of American farmers, ranchers and agricultural businesses that support free trade.” ASA CEO Ryan Findlay says agriculture needs “strong likeminded allies” in advocating for new trade agreements and expanding international markets.

Other agriculture groups already a part of the campaign include the American Farm Bureau Federation, the National Pork Producers Council, and other agriculture groups. With soybean farmers facing the brunt of the ongoing trade war, leadership of Farmers for Free Trade say ASA joining the campaign will “amplify the voices” of soybean farmers in Washington D.C. so decision makers “know the pain that tariffs are causing at the local level.”

Source: NAFB News Service

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