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Trump Tweets on SNAP Work Requirements

The biggest difference between the House and Senate versions of the farm bill was front and center on Twitter. President Trump jumped into the debate via Twitter, in an effort to tip the scales toward House Republicans ahead of conference negotiations. “When the House and Senate meet on the very important farm bill, hopefully, they will be able to leave the work requirements for food stamps provision that the House approved.” Trump also suggested the Senate needs to eliminate its filibuster rule, an apparent recognition of the fact that new work requirements for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program would not get the 60 votes needed to overcome any filibuster on the bill. Democrats largely oppose the work requirements in the House bill.

Anti-hunger advocates weren’t happy with Trump’s tweet, saying the new requirements will hurt people in low-wage jobs with unsteady hours, people with health conditions, and children. The Foundation for Government Accountability, a hardline conservative welfare reform group, were happy with Trump’s tweet, noting that “there’s never been a better time for welfare reform with today’s booming economy.”

Source: NAFB News Service