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Harvest Weather Forecast: Harvest Window Opens Wide Next Week

Other than a little bit of moisture still holding over the northern part of the state Saturday and a weak front Thursday, a good chunk of this week will be suitable to get in the field, if you have crops ready.

We continue to see some moisture tracking over the northern third of Indiana to start the weekend, a follow through on moisture that began tracking across the WCB and into the Upper Midwest/Great Lakes over late this past week. The moisture will stay mostly north of the Hoosier Heartland Corridor, and should be a little less in terms of frequency than what we have seen to this point. Central and southern Indiana will stay dry through Saturday, although clouds will be around.

We are fully dry Sunday through Wednesday. Skies turn out partly sunny on Sunday, but will be fully sunny Monday through Wednesday. Temps remain above normal through that period, thanks to good south flow.

A minor front arrives Thursday, sagging through the state from NW to SE. Moisture is not impressive at all, and in fact we may only see a few hundredths to .25” of rain with 50% coverage. Still, we can’t call it a fully dry day. The best chances of rain within that 50% coverage estimate will be central and northern Indiana.

Dry again for Friday and Saturday, with full sunshine and near normal temps. Much cooler air is coming in, but following the warm start to the week, it will feel cooler than it truly is, compared to normal.

Our best chance at a well-organized rain event for the entire state will come next Saturday night through Sunday. A strong cold front will bring showers and thunderstorms to 80% of Indiana with rain totals from .25”-.75”. All moisture should be done by midnight Sunday night. Map below shows 10-day rain potential.

Extended Period:

For the extended 11-16 day period, we are back to a fully dry outlook. We have plenty of sun with no threat of rain for Monday the 7th through Saturday the 12th. Temps do pull back some for that period, and will be normal to slightly below.

Weeks 3 & 4:

Both week 3 and week for seem to have only minor frontal boundary activity moving through. This should lead to good harvest windows, and on average only one threat of rain each week.

Week 3

Precipitation, week ending September 20 (green: above normal, brown: below)

Temperature, Week ending September 27 (orange: above normal, blue: below)

Week 4

Precipitation, Week ending September 27 (green: above normal, brown: below)

Temperature, Week ending September 27 (orange: above normal, blue: below)