European Union Reacts to New Trump Tariffs

European leaders and businesspeople slammed the Trump Administration’s plans to impose large tariffs on a wide array of European goods.

The tariffs are going in place after the World Trade Organization ruled in favor of the U.S. in a longstanding dispute over subsidies given to Airbus, a European aircraft manufacturer.

The administration is set to impose tariffs on roughly $7.5 billion in European goods, pending WTO approval.

The Washington Post says goods facing a higher duty include Italian cheeses and one of Trump’s favorite targets, French wine.

The tariffs will be as high as 25 percent on agricultural and industrial products and could take effect as soon as October 18.

The director of Europe’s largest wine and spirits lobby says the retaliatory U.S. tariffs will hit industries that aren’t related to the core of the dispute, which is airline subsidies.

The EU’s top trade official, Cecilia Malmstrom, says regardless of the WTO ruling, she opposes retaliatory U.S. countermeasures.

“We say that the U.S. opting for applying countermeasures now would be shortsighted and counterproductive.”

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