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E3 Soybeans, a Popular Choice in 2020


If mother nature cooperates, in about a month we could see some soybeans going into the ground. In 2020,’ a lot of those are going to be E3 soybeans from Pioneer.  After their first year in the field in 2019, E3 soybeans from Pioneer are proving to be a popular choice in 2020, says Shawna Hubbard with Pioneer, “Coretva is projecting that, in 2020, 20% of the soybean acres in the U.S. will be E3 soybeans.” This is double their rate in 2019. “We are pleased that so many growers now have access to this new weed control system,” added Hubbard.

Hubbard says having the Enlist trait in this variety will give growers some effective weed control options this year, “As long as growers are using an integrated weed management system, Enlist fits really well into those areas with troublesome weeds.” With many Indiana acres not getting treated with a weed control program in 2019, farmers will face some serious challenges this year. “There were some fields that were really a mess last year because growers could not get their programs into those fields. That means we are going to start out this year with a very robust weed seed bank,” Hubbard noted.

Using Enlist along with Liberty herbicide is an especially popular combination for many growers. Hubbard said the Enlist/Duo program is also one that works extremely well on tough to manage weeds. Available as a convenient, proprietary blend, Enlist Duo combines 2,4-D choline and glyphosate. Enlist One is a straight-goods 2,4-D choline providing additional tank-mix flexibility.