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Sens. Stabenow, Roberts, Reauthorize the U.S. Grain Standards Act

Roberts-Stabenow Reauthorize Grain Standards Act

During the Senate Ag Committee meeting Wednesday, Sen. Debbie Stabenow and Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) reauthorized the U.S. Grain Standards Act until September 30, 2025.

The USGSA establishes marketing standards for grains and oilseeds including corn, soybeans and wheat. It also prohibits deceptive practices with respect to the inspection and weighing of grain.

In an address to the committee, Stabenow said that the bipartisan bill “protects the interests of American farmers and ensure our credibility as a reliable producer of high-quality grains and oilseeds.

A summary of the Roberts-Stabenow U.S. Grain Standards Reauthorization Act of 2020 can be found here.