Hot and dry weather persisted throughout most of Indiana, though scattered early week rains brought relief to some areas, according to USDA NASS, Great Lakes Regional Field Office. Topsoil and subsoil moisture levels decreased from the previous week.
The average temperature for the week was 78.3 degrees Fahrenheit, 4.8 degrees above normal for the State. The amount of rainfall varied from none to 1.57 inches over the week. The statewide average precipitation was 0.62 inches. There were 6.0 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending July 5.
Spotty rains left some fields saturated, while others were showing signs of drought stress by the end of the week. The more significant rain events were confined to the southern part of the state. Corn silking was running behind the five-year average (7 percent last week compared to the five-year average of 14 percent), while soybeans were blooming just ahead of schedule (26 percent last week compared to the five-year average of 21 percent).
Crop conditions decreased slightly for both corn and soybeans. 60 percent of the corn is rated in good to excellent condition and 62 percent of soybeans are rated good to excellent. Nationally, 71 percent of corn and soybeans are rated good to excellent.
The dry weather allowed for significant progress with winter wheat harvest and hay cutting. Livestock were reported to be in good condition, but pasture conditions also suffered from the hot and dry weather. Other activities for the week included pesticide applications and scouting fields.