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Northern Indiana Yields Remain Strong

In this Beck’s Yield Check, we check in on northern Indiana with Beck’s Field Sales Agronomist Travis Burnett. He says he’s seeing soybean field averages anywhere from 50 bpa up to 90 bpa.

“I’d say as a whole, for a trend, I’m seeing that the later, full maturity soybeans were probably better than some of the earlier beans. So, that’s a positive thing. I know we talked earlier in the harvest that some guys were a little disappointed where they didn’t catch enough rain there in August with those earlier beans, but it seems like the little rain that we did get there in early September did help finish some of those later, or fuller season, soybeans. So, typically, guys are little happier with the fuller season beans and the yields they’re getting there.”

Burnett says corn yields remain very strong.

“In some of the better parts of the state, lots of field averages in the 240s in places. As you move into some of the more droughty, more stressed acres, yields in the 180s or so are not uncommon even there where they caught the right timing of rain. That’s a big win on those soil types.”


Burnett adds that issues this harvest have been minimal. He notes there are isolated areas where he’s seen some ear molds but it’s not an issue he’s overly concerned about. He also believes that stalk quality is pretty good. He is happy to see some rain move through this week.

“We were getting awfully dry. We mentioned earlier some combine fires and some other issues that have been going on with how dry it’s been here lately. So, the rain we’re getting here is much needed and much appreciated. I don’t think there’s going to be enough to keep us out. The soil is going to soak that water up pretty quick. We’re not going to have any issues with getting in from a soil fitness standpoint. So, really, I think things are good. We’re rolling through. I think we’re on track to have harvest done pretty early.”

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