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New Dicamba Label has New Rules

The EPA granted a five year registration to Dicamba weed control technology this week, but growers will have to deal with new rules and restrictions.

After a court ruling pulled Dicamba from the market earlier this year, companies submitted an application with new information and additional restrictions. The EPA approval requires additional steps be taken to address off target movement of the product.

Alex Zenteno, Bayer Dicamba Product Manager, states, “There is the new requirement of the use of a volatile reducing adjuvant to minimize off target movement.”

Zenteno says new cutoff dates and setback restrictions are also a part of the new label.

“All of these measures will help reduce the off target movement of XtendiMax.”

According to Zenteno, special training will be offered to growers and applicators.

“We are going to make sure we have a strong training program in place beginning in January with plenty of opportunities for on-line training and perhaps some small meetings.”

She adds that the 5 year approval will provide some assurance for farmers as they make plans for their seed and weed control systems. The new EPA registration for XtendiMax herbicide follows Bayer’s recent launch announcement for XtendFlex® soybeans, which brings additional yield potential and weed-control flexibility to the Roundup Ready® Xtend Crop System.

“Now that growers have certainty about the registration of XtendiMax herbicide and availability of XtendFlex soybeans, we are excited for our customers to have an outstanding 2021 season and beyond,” Lisa Safarian, President of Bayer Crop Science North America. “We are committed to the Roundup Ready Xtend Crop System, which will continue to evolve and play an important role in Bayer’s crop protection and seed portfolio going forward.”

Individual states will be able to impose other dates and restrictions. In Indiana, a new state chemist will be reviewing the situation.