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Belchim’s New TOUGH 5EC® ‘Tough’ on Indiana Weeds

Belchim is relatively new to the United States but is a company with a long history in crop protection. The Belgian-based company has been in business for 34 years and in the US since 2018.

This year, Belchim has launched a new corn herbicide called TOUGH 5EC®. Belchim General Manager Tom Wood says, “It’s a broadleaf herbicide and it goes quite well into the current integrated weed management programs used in corn…So, what we’re seeing is when you add TOUGH 5EC® to your tank, we’ve seen anywhere from 5%-30% improvement in control and it really performs well when resistant weeds are present.”

Wood explains how TOUGH 5EC® works.

“The AI associated with TOUGH 5EC® is pyridate. It’s not a new chemistry, but it’s a chemistry whose time has come, and it works. We say it synergizes with HPPDs and synergizes on a scientific level. So, the pyridate essentially increases free radicals that disrupt cell membranes that kill plants, and the HPPDs reduces the ability of the plant to defend itself against free radicals. So, it’s a nice one-two punch and there’s the synergy.”

Wood says pairing TOUGH 5EC® with atrazine gives it an effective and speedy killing capability of tough broadleaf weeds like waterhemp and Palmer Amaranth.

“TOUGH 5EC® is a foliar application that absorbs very fast into the leaves. Atrazine, while also being foliar, works mostly through the roots and slower. So, you get a nice combination with atrazine also, essentially increasing your speed to kill. So, it works very well within the integrated weed management programs that we have today.

Learn more about TOUGH 5EC® at