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Master Farmer Egnew Enjoys Getting to Work With Family

Purdue Agriculture Dean Karen Plaut presents Harry Egnew and his wife Beverly with his Master Farmer award.

Master Farmers were awarded Thursday night in New Harmony, Indiana. The Master Farmer award is sponsored annually by Indiana Prairie Farmer and the Purdue University College of Agriculture. The 2021 Indiana Master Farmers are Harry Egnew from Linton; Randy and Joyce Kron, Evansville; Cameron and Cara Mills, Walton; and Craig and Kim Williams, Oaktown. Honorary Master Farmers are Ted and Jean Merrell and Terry and Nieta Merrell from Merrell Brothers in Kokomo.

Harry Egnew, who turned 89 in March, farms around 3800 acres with his son, Tim, in Greene County. Egnew said of receiving the award, “It’s a big honor. I never dreamt of something like that before. It just makes you kind of humble.”

Egnew is excited he gets to work with his son, Tim, and his great-granddaughter, Ashton on the farm.

“I never dreamt of something like this. Tim has always been interesting in farming…it means a whole lot. I guess you could say it’s a privilege to work with your family like that.”

Again that’s 2021 Master Farmer Harry Egnew. You’ll hear from more Master Farmers in the days and weeks ahead here on Hoosier Ag Today.