
Pioneer Agronomists Continue to Manage 2021 Crop, Helping Farmers Plan for 2022 | Hoosier Ag Today
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Pioneer Agronomists Continue to Manage 2021 Crop, Helping Farmers Plan for 2022

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The primary disease corn growers are watching this season is black tar spot. Pioneer agronomists have been hands-on helping growers as best they can.

“We’ve been out and engaged with our farmers directly in their fields, helping assess the level of damage in their fields and the management practices they can have as we look at this growing season, and what is the best timing for spraying a fungicide on tar spot,” says Adam Theis, corn marketing lead, Pioneer.

Tar spot is the dominate disease this season, but Theis has noticed a few fungal diseases rearing their heads.

“The good news is with the yield potential that’s out there, there has been a healthy amount of fungicide being used this year,” he says. “That’s helping control some of that leaf tissue disease and protect that top-end yield potential as well as improved standability for harvest. [We’re] really seeing overall good return on investment so far with disease control for those growers that use fungicides this year.”

Theis says that growers are already asking what technologies and rotations they should incorporate into the 2022 crop.

“We have an exclusive line of Pioneer corn germ plasm, and we’ve seen some of the efforts of our R&D investments over a decade ago come to a point where they’re two of the real hybrids that growers can plant in volume on their farm,” he says.

For more information, talk with your local Pioneer agronomist.