Syngenta Takes New Herbicide Option to Indiana Trials

A new weed control option will be going to work in Indiana fields this year, and trials should lead to a full 2023 rollout as Syngenta puts Tendovo for soybeans to the test.
“We received registration in January of 2022, and we started production of it and we’re going to have some first-look experiences for the 2022 season for growers,” says Pete Eure, herbicide technical product lead for Syngenta.
He says Tendovo has a great fit in Indiana.
“With a lot of your ragweeds and your cocklebur and your water hemp that you’re dealing with as well as your annual grasses, it will do a great job on those.”
With three effective sites of action, Eure says this herbicide will keep fields cleaner, longer.
“It contains S-metolachlor which is a product in Dual Magnum. It contains Metribuzin which is in Sencor or Tricor, and also it contains Cloransulam, which is FirstRate. So, our chemists and our scientists have done a great deal of work to identify the right ratios of those active ingredients and also to make a formulation that’s easy to handle, easy to spray, and easy to store. It’s going to offer a lot for growers who are looking for broad spectrum weed control. We have over 70 weed species on our label and this is a pre-emergence product for soybeans. You can applied it a pre-plant burndown application as well, 2-3 weeks before planting if you if you need that flexibility. It’s crop safe when applied pre emergence.”
The crop safety aspect of Tendovo is notable, according to Eure.
“Especially when we’ve got growers planting earlier under those cool, wet conditions, we want to get the crop off to a fast start. So, the last thing you want to do is have your pre-emergence herbicide hold your crop back, and so with this product it’s getting the crop off to a fast start without that stand-thinning that you could see from other products.”
Learn more about Tendovo herbicide for soybeans from Syngenta here.

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