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Soybean Farmers Share Priorities for 2023 Farm Bill

Photo courtesy of the American Soybean Association.

The American Soybean Association (ASA) has shared a list of priorities with federal lawmakers for the 2023 Farm Bill.
As the House and Senate Agriculture Committees meet to determine the spending packages for the farm bill, the ASA says the list will provide insight and assure soy growers’ interests are considered as the farm bill process continues with hearings this year and legislative development next year.
Among the priorities include:

ASA’s steps for determining its farm bill principles began internally with education sessions for farmers serving on the ASA Board of Directors and soy state affiliates to hear more about the various titles included in the farm bill. ASA then worked in conjunction with allied soy groups United Soybean Board and U.S. Soybean Export Council to distribute a widespread survey to farmers.
Finally, ASA hosted a series of 12 listening sessions, by both titles and geographic regions, in which farmers and states could share input – or follow up by comments submitted to ASA staff. These priorities will be refined into more specific requests by early 2023.
Click HERE to read the list of priorities for the 2023 Farm Bill from the American Soybean Association.
Source: The American Soybean Association.