Registration Open for Purdue Fruit, Vegetable, Hemp Field Day

Purdue specialists invite small- and large-operation farmers and growers to attend the Purdue Fruit, Vegetable and Hemp Field Day on July 21, 2022, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. EDT at the Meigs Purdue Ag Center. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m., and lunch will be provided.

“Purdue researchers, Extension specialists and graduate students will discuss and showcase their current research at the field day. Research in action always presents a great opportunity for hands-on learning, and there will be ample opportunities for growers to network and exchange information,” said Petrus Langenhoven, Purdue horticulture and hydroponic crop specialist.

Topics to be covered include:

  • Apple disease management and IR-4 trial results.
  • Botrytis management in peonies.
  • Cannabinoid hemp variety trial and hemp propagation study.
  • Cold-hardy grape varieties for Indiana.
  • Insect management on leafy greens, sweet corn, high-tunnel cucumbers.
  • Management of dwarf apple trees.
  • Planting vegetables into cover crops.
  • Two-system approach to vegetable farming.
  • Vegetable weed management research.

Meigs Purdue Ag Center is located at 9101 S. 100 E., Lafayette, Ind. Sign up to attend here.

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