
Risk Management Commodities to Hold Summer Meeting to Discuss Volatile Markets | Hoosier Ag Today
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Risk Management Commodities to Hold Summer Meeting to Discuss Volatile Markets

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“We have another potentially volatile market coming up,” says market analyst John Zanker, a regular contributor to Hoosier Ag Today’s market coverage. His company, Risk Management Commodities in Lafayette, is hosting a summer meeting along with Horizon Ag Consulting on Tuesday, Aug. 9, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Lafayette.
Market analyst John Zanker with Risk Management Commodities.

“As we saw two years ago especially, August weather can really turn the crop upside down in a hurry, and we’re still going to have a war going on, and we have inflation, and we have a potential recession, so we have all kinds of things to talk about. Certainly, a lot of potential market movement, volatility, and what are we going to try to do about that.”
Zanker says the agenda includes several speakers and an opportunity to ask him questions about the market movement.
“BAMWX meteorologist Michael Clark’s going to be there. Jim Hedrick, our agronomist, will be looking at crop conditions, a fertilizer market update, and a harvest outlook. So, we have a nice slate and a lunch in between.”
And you can get your crop insurance questions answered by the folks at Ag Producers Insurance. Again, the event is next Tuesday from 10-2 at Outpost Catering and Banquet Hall in Lafayette. RSVP by calling Risk Management Commodities at (765) 423-1385.