Gov. Holcomb Signs Bill That Establishes Permits for Carbon Sequestration

Gov. Holcomb signs HEA 1209 alongside legislators including Rep. Ed Soliday, Rep. David Abbott, Rep. Mike Andrade, Rep. Carolyn Jackson, Rep. Michael Aylesworth and Rep. Earl Harris Jr.

Gov. Eric Holcomb signed a bill on Tuesday that establishes a permit program for companies, as well as guidelines to follow, regarding the underground storage of carbon dioxide emissions in Indiana. The governor signed the bill at the BP Whiting Refinery in northwestern Indiana.
The bill, House Enrolled Act 1209, received support from Indiana Farm Bureau after the organization lobbied to include language that protects landowner property rights and requires consent and compensation of a landowner’s pore space for the sequestration of carbon on their property.
Last week Gov. Holcomb joined the governors of Ohio, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa in signing a Memorandum of Understanding to advance hydrogen production among the states.
Click HERE to read the Carbon Sequestration Permitting Bill signed into law by Gov. Holcomb.

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