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Indiana’s Corn Harvested at 54%, Soybeans Harvested at 75%

Indiana’s harvest has picked up significantly thanks to the ongoing cool, dry weather conditions across much of the state.
So far, 54% of Indiana’s corn for grain and 75% of soybeans have been harvested as of Sunday, Oct. 23 according to the USDA National Agricultural Statistic Service (NASS). That’s an increase from 39% for corn and 57% for soybeans from the week before.
Indiana’s corn is 95% mature. Corn harvested for grain now matches the five-year average pace of 54%. Indiana corn is rated 59% good-to-excellent.
Indiana’s soybeans are also ahead of the five-year average for harvesting at 68%.
Indiana’s harvest is also behind the rest of the U.S., where 61% of corn and 80% percent of soybeans have been harvested on average according to the USDA.
In his weekly report, Nathaniel Warenski, State Statistician with the USDA NASS, adds that winter wheat planting progress is at 65%, which is behind its five-year average of 70%. So far, 24% of winter wheat has emerged.