
Using Data to Make 2023 Seed Selections | Hoosier Ag Today
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Using Data to Make 2023 Seed Selections

Harvest, fall fieldwork, and planning for next year- all things farmers are doing right now. In this Pioneer Field Update, agronomist Lance Shepherd says now is the time to get with your sales professional to start working through seed decisions for 2023.
“Don’t just look at one field or one operation. You need to look at a much larger operation to take into consideration environment, different management practices, and so forth, because not every year is the same. So, what we do at Pioneer is we’ll do a large data set across multiple years and looking at those specific varieties or hybrids to see which one is consistently performing to guess what product is going to be the best fit for next year.”
Shepherd strongly encourages you to take advantage of company data as well as the data on your own farm to make seed selections.
“So, if you’ve got a side-by-side on your farm and it only won by three bushels, that’s only a 51% chance that it’s going to win in 2023 in the same environment. However, if you’ve got 30 different comparisons of those two specific hybrids or varieties, now you can increase that confidence level with a 75% chance that that hybrid is the best.”
Shepherd says there’s a lot to be excited about in 2023 from Pioneer corn trials this year.
“We have a very robust lineup and not just one or two products. You’re going to see several products that are out there that are all going to perform very well for you. It’s just getting down to the details on what specific factors such as foliar disease or roots or whatever it may be that you would like to pursue.”
Shepherd adds that the Pioneer A-Series Enlist soybeans have been performing as advertised and he feels Plenish soybeans have been very high yielding in northeast Indiana. You’ll also get a premium for those high oleic soybeans. Hear more with Shepherd in the full Pioneer Field Update below.

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