With the Christmas season now upon us, you never know how giving a gift to a child may impact the rest of their life. That’s why a special Christmas gift that Justin Butler received as a child continues to inspire him to help others in need. Your browser doesn’t support HTML5 audio Your browser doesn’t support HTML5 audio
“I grew up with a single mom in Terre Haute, Indiana,” says Justin. “Back in the day, I got a car – a model diecast car – I remember it was like a gold NASCAR. I was just so happy to be able to open that up and play with that and I had it for many, many years.”
Justin remembers that he received that toy as a gift from the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve’s Toys for Tots program. The joy he says he felt opening that gift on Christmas years ago is why he is passionate about making sure other children and families in need also have toys and gifts to open at Christmas.
It was years later that Justin enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps and was involved with the Toys for Tots program first-hand.
“In 2013, I was actually stationed in central Indiana and I got to participate in Toys for Tots,” says Justin. “That love grew from that, so I have those three years of collecting toys from businesses like Bane-Welker and all over Central Indiana – and then getting those toys counted and distributed to those children all across Indiana.”
In 2021, Justin started working for Bane-Welker Equipment. He enlisted the help of company president Jason Bane and got their involvement in the Toys for Tots program as well.
“Bane-Welker Equipment and the employees wanted to do this program, which means a lot,” says Justin. “Being willing to just fully immerse themselves and get every store across the entire Bane-Welker family involved, it just means a lot to me. It makes me feel really good knowing that we’re going to bring so much joy to children all over Indiana just by the simple gift of giving.”
You can drop off a new unwrapped toy at any Bane-Welker Equipment location across Indiana.
Click BELOW to hear C.J. Miller’s news report for Hoosier Ag Today.
Click BELOW to hear the FULL podcast interview with Justin Butler with Bane-Welker Equipment, as he discusses his passion for helping others with the U.S. Marine Corps’ Toys for Tots program.