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Getting TOUGH on Weeds

There are plenty of hot topics in agriculture from inflation to policy to equipment shortage. But year-over-year, farmers are still most concerned with a couple of things- the weather (which we can’t do a whole lot about) and weed control (that we can).

“The main reason we brought TOUGH® 5EC to the market is to control resistant weeds. It’s a whole new mode of action,” says Troy Bettner, Commercial Director for Belchim, the maker of TOUGH® 5EC corn herbicide.

“It’s not going to go away; it’s only going to get worse. So, it’s now like what tools do we use to fight this or keep this at bay. And so, TOUGH® 5EC, we brought that to the marketplace for growers to put in their tank to help fight that resistance, get better weed control. Which means better yields, better return on investment.”

Bettner says TOUGH® 5EC is especially effective on Pigweeds, Palmer Amaranth, Waterhemp, Common Lambsquarters, and other broadleaf weeds. It’s a contact herbicide with a wide application window.
“TOUGH can fit in a burndown before they’re going in with their crop or as a post-emergent application when they’re already going through with their herbicides putting TOUGH in the tank. All the universities are now saying we have to use multiple modes of action in a tank. It’s not just one product anymore. You need multiple products going. So, it fits in their normal program. It’s not a different timing at all that they’re not used to doing.”

If you haven’t already, Bettner encourages you to be thinking about your weed control program now. He adds they have a healthy supply of TOUGH® 5EC.

“You’ve seen what escapes. Weed escapes are throwing out half million to a million seeds each plant. So, you start thinking about that dissemination, that proliferation, and we’re talking about a lot. So, when they start thinking about their weed programs for next year, make sure TOUGH is in that tank as part of their weed program.”

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