Spring Planting Preparation Tips from Beck’s Hybrids Agronomist Travis Coleman

Travis Coleman, field sales agronomist with Beck’s Hybrids, during the 2023 National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville. Photo: C.J. Miller / Hoosier Ag Today.

Spring planting is fast approaching, which means it’s important to prepare now to save you time once you hit the fields.
“We have to have a Plan A to have a Plan B or C—or potentially Plan Z like some springs bring us,” says Travis Coleman, field sales agronomist with Beck’s Hybrids.
He says it’s not only about having your seed and chemicals on hand, but also making sure your planting equipment is in top shape.
“Number one, I would just make sure we have all our inputs in the barn and ready to go,” says Coleman. “Then, I’d focus on planter prep and making sure those preventative maintenance pieces are worked through. Take a look at the chains on your equipment and making sure they’re replaced if anything is broken or worn. Also, replace those double disc openers if necessary and make sure they’re adjusted correctly.”
Even though it was a late start to planting last year because of wet conditions, Coleman says the sooner your planting preparations are knocked out, the better—in case the weather this spring is more cooperative.
“My challenge is always to have planters and equipment ready by April 1st,” according to Coleman. “Sometimes conditions aren’t fit across the entire field, so that “70/30 rule” is a good rule of thumb. If 70% of your acres are good and fit for planting, we might push the other 30%.”
“Ultimately, field conditions play a big part in high yield—whether that’s corn or soybeans, so making sure the ground is fit for planting is ideal. I would say that is a greater aspect to yield than planting date,” says Coleman.
If your planting preparations are already knocked out, Coleman suggests checking out the Practical Farm Research studies from Beck’s Hybrids.
“We build a book every year of our Practical Farm Research,” says Coleman. “If you aren’t a customer, they’re free to anyone. We believe that if we can help any farmer, we’re doing the industry, as a whole, a better job.
Click HERE to read more about the Practical Farm Research studies at Beck’s Hybrids.com.

Click BELOW to hear C.J. Miller’s news report and interview with Travis Coleman with Beck’s Hybrids.

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