Controlling Weeds with Syngenta’s Acuron® GT Post-Emergence Corn Herbicide

Chad Threewits, Agronomy Service Representative with Syngenta. Photo: C.J. Miller / Hoosier Ag Today.

So far across Indiana, 56 percent of the state’s corn crop is planted and 22 percent has already emerged according to the USDA. Now that the growing season is underway, Syngenta has a post-emergence corn herbicide to help you get higher yields at harvest.
“Once that corn gets up and canopies, you don’t always see the weeds that are out there robbing yield. That’s what we want to really eliminate,” says Chad Threewits, Agronomy Service Representative with Syngenta. He recommends using Acuron® GT, a post-emergence corn herbicide that builds upon the success they had with Halex® GT.
“We’ve added a product called bicyclopyrone (BIR), which is excellent on large-seeded broadleaves including water hemp,” according to Threewits. “It really helps knock down weeds on that that post-emergence application in corn and gives us longer residual than we have probably had with any other post-emergence applications.”
He says Acuron® GT has a longer-lasting residual that not only helps with weed control, but also weed escapes.
“With soybean fields, you drive around and you see a lot of weed escapes. I would say the last couple of years I get just as many phone calls about corn fields when it comes to escapes of water hemp and giant Ragweed, so those escapes go late in the season and into to harvest. When you come around to the next year, you see problems with those same weeds in your soybean fields, so it’s not just the one crop that is causing problems. This has been a really good solution for managing those escapes so we have a weed-free field all season long in corn leading to help us have even better control in soybeans,” says Threewits.
Most of all, he says that Acuron® GT can deliver a potentially higher return on your investment.
“The better yields are going to make more sense than saving money and using the cheapest program,” says Threewits. “It’s about investing in the crop. This is a case where investing in weed management not only helps that season, but for years to come because we’re limiting that seed bank and really paying ourselves back year after year,” says Threewits.
Click here to learn more about Syngenta’s Acuron® GT post-emergence corn herbicide.
Click below to hear C.J. Miller’s radio news report for Hoosier Ag Today.


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