Indiana Crops: 56 Percent of Corn, 57 Percent of Soybeans Rated Good-to-Excellent

Indiana’s corn and soybean conditions are rated slightly higher from the previous week after rain fell across most of the state last week, which brought temporary relief from continued dry conditions.

The state’s corn crops are rated at 56 percent good-to-excellent, while Indiana’s soybean crops are rated at 57 percent good-to-excellent according to the USDA’s Weekly Crop Progress Report.

This week’s percentages have gained one percentage point from last week’s ratings of 55 percent good-to-excellent for corn and 56 percent for soybeans.
Winter wheat is rated at 73 percent good-to-excellent condition—a drop of two percent from last week.

“Soil moisture levels increased from the previous week, with 41 percent of topsoil moisture reported as adequate or surplus,” according to Nathanial Warenski, State Statistician with the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Indiana Field Office.

“The average temperature for the week was 65.5 degrees Fahrenheit, 6.1 degrees below normal for the State. The amount of rainfall varied from none to 2.00 inches over the week. The statewide average precipitation was 0.83 inches, 0.17 inches below normal. There were 5.6 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending June 18,” says Warenski.

Winter wheat is rated at 61 percent mature with eight percent already harvested.
Across the entire U.S., the nation’s corn crop is rated 55 percent good-to-excellent, U.S. soybeans are 54 percent good-to-excellent, and the country’s winter wheat crop is at 38 percent good-to-excellent.


Source: USDA.

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