Indiana’s drought conditions have improved considerably over the past several weeks as the state is no longer experiencing a ‘severe drought’ according to the latest U.S. Drought Monitor map. However, 24 percent of Indiana remains under a ‘moderate drought’ and 77 percent is still abnormally dry.
As recently as June 27, more than one-third of Indiana was experiencing a ‘severe drought’ throughout most of northwestern and west-central Indiana. On that same date, 80 percent of the state was under a ‘moderate drought’ and 98 percent of the state was abnormally dry.
Timely rains and slightly cooler temperatures over the past several weeks have also to improve crop conditions across Indiana as 60 percent of both corn and soybeans are rated in good-to-excellent conditions according to the USDA.
Hoosier Ag Today Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin says we may see warmer and mostly drier conditions return the week of Monday, July 24. However, he says the warmer air may bring instability in the atmosphere, which may result in pop-up showers and thunderstorms.
Click below for Ryan Martin’s complete Indiana Farm Forecast.