More than a quarter of the U.S. Senate has now signed on to a bill to protect AM radio—including an Indiana senator.

The Senate’s AM for Every Vehicle Act, S1669, continues to gain momentum with an additional eight senators signing on as cosponsors before the August break. That brings it to 27 co-sponsors, including 14 Republicans, 12 Democrats, and one Independent.
Among the sponsors of the bill is Sen. Todd Young (R-IN), who is a member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.
“AM radio plays a vital role in preserving public safety across Indiana. By delivering important weather updates, local news, and emergency and disaster response information, this bill will ensure Hoosiers—especially those in the most rural areas—continue to have access to this critical communication tool,” said Young.
Senator Kevin Cramer (R-ND) was an early supporter and co-sponsor of the bill.
“I get it, the automobile industry. I get the whole technology thing. I get that there are apps that you can download on your pick-up or your combine or whatever you’re driving these days,” said Cramer. “But when it comes to the automobile, especially the automobile, AM radio is more important there than probably any other application that there is.”
Cramer said in areas with a lot of open land, like his home state, it’s even more important.
“When you come from a place like North Dakota, where the weather is severe and the distances are great, and the signals aren’t always perfect or clear, your cell phone isn’t always fully charged or doesn’t get a signal, AM radio is where it is,” Cramer said.
Cramer pointed out, there are no subscriptions or data plans needed to get the information AM radio provides.
“It’s free,” said Cramer. “The spectrum that AM radio rides on is owned by the taxpayers and a big part of AM radio’s value isn’t just providing the weather reports or the market reports but providing safety information and emergency information. We need to keep AM radio in every vehicle in America forever as far as I’m concerned.”
Click below to hear Sabrina Halvorson’s radio news report for Hoosier Ag Today.