
A Dry Stretch Follows a Rainy Weekend | Hoosier Ag Today
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A Dry Stretch Follows a Rainy Weekend


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There’s plenty of moisture around for the weekend, but there is some good news as we move into the extended Seed Genetics Direct Harvest Weather Forecast.

Before we get to the good news, Hoosier Ag Today Chief Meteorologist Ryan Martin says we’ll start with some hit and miss scattered showers Friday and Saturday.

“And then a large surge of moisture is coming across the Hoosier state overnight Saturday night through Sunday. Combined, we could be looking at rain totals from now through the end of Sunday at two inches or more with about 80% of the state seeing rain. Not everybody is in that two-inch zone, but everybody’s getting moisture and it’s going to be a soggy finish to the weekend.”

After the rain, Martin says a brutal stretch of cold air will be settling in.

“Arctic air is coming out of the Canadian Prairies racing right across the upper Midwest and coming in here. We’ll see the cold air surge in already Sunday afternoon or Sunday evening in northern and central parts of Indiana. Rain may hold into early Monday morning in the south. Hard freezes are happening on multiple occasions here this upcoming week, and I do think that we see daytime highs struggle to get much out of the lower to middle 40s through most of the week before we warm up late on Friday and Saturday.”

Now to the good news. Even though it’ll be cold, Martin is looking at a nice dry stretch.

“Once the rains have stopped late Sunday or early Monday, depending on where you are in the state north versus south, we see nothing then for the entirety of the rest of next week through the weekend. So, I think we are rain free from Monday through Sunday and that’s going to allow for field work. Yeah, evaporation will be slow early on in the week, but the second part of the week we should be golden to get back out into these fields.”

Find more Seed Genetics Direct Harvest Weather Forecast details later Friday at