Maximize Work Time in the Farm Shop This Winter

Harvest is coming to a close for some around the state, which means maybe a day or two of rest before you get back to work in the farm shop! To get moving on some projects for next season, Dan Nyberg with Morton Buildings says to begin by preparing for interior work.

“Give your heating system a checkup or have it serviced to avoid problems once cold weather sets in. Make sure your lighting is functional and sufficient and consider LED upgrades. Clean and organize your workbench and tools. Look over support equipment, such as compressors, welders and drill presses, especially the belts and the wear parts, and inventory your waste oil storage.”

Nyberg says after cleaning equipment, the next step is to prioritize the maintenance schedule.

“Consider which maintenance projects you will tackle first and when and make a list. Ensure critical needs are met first to be ready for spring and remember projects can take longer than expected. And make your parts list. Finding parts for older equipment could require research or longer shipping times.”

He offers a checklist for the most important maintenance work.

“Lubricate equipment. Coat polished surfaces with rust inhibitor. Check hydraulic hoses and replace as needed. Inspect equipment tires — replace if they are worn or have cracked sidewalls. Make all oil and filter changes, including air filters for engines, as well as filters for cabs and operators. And keep technology current with data updates and upgrades.”

Finally, Nyberg reminds farmers to make sure basic safety equipment is available and functional, such as exhaust fans, fire extinguishers, safety glasses, hearing protection and a first aid kit.

Source: NAFB News Service

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