Saturday in Ft. Wayne the newly elected 2nd Vice President of Indiana Farm Bureau was proud to complete a trifecta as three women in a row from District 4 have been elected to that state leadership post.
Janis Highley of Huntington won the INFB election, getting a majority on the third ballot. She follows Carolyn Hegel and then Isabella Chism as Indiana Farm Bureau second vice president.
“Thank you to the leadership that’s come before me and I just embrace continuing to build on that,” she said.
Highley says her move to join state leadership stems from her overall passion for advocating for the ag industry.

“I was currently serving on the women’s leadership committee, and when the opportunity came up to take this next step in my leadership, I jumped at the chance because I just have a passion for advocating for agriculture and Indiana Farm Bureau.”
Her involvement in agriculture goes beyond Farm Bureau. It includes being a director on the Indiana Corn Marketing Council board and her day job.
“I work full-time as a risk advisor (Strategic Grain Hedge, LLC) working with farmers on cash sales and hedging and advising them, and we’re going into a little tougher year with our grain markets here. So, just getting out there advocating at the county level, the state level, and even the national level.”
Highley told HAT there are plenty of local, state and national issues that Indiana Farm Bureau needs to stay on top of to truly serve its members.
“You know we’re trying to get this Farm Bill across the finish line,” she said. “We just always want to be on our toes and mindful of what our members need. We are a Grassroots organization, so making sure that we’re supporting them in whatever way they need. Working with Randy (Kron) and Kendell (Culp,) I look forward to this opportunity and being a part of that leadership team.”
Her goal is to make sure all members’ voices are heard and a true open-door policy is something they can expect from her. INFB President Randy Kron says he looks forward to working with Janis Highley.
“She has energy and passion just like Isabella who served for 17 years and gave it her all to support agriculture, advocate for agriculture, and I’m sure Janis will do the same.”