Indiana’s Corn Checkoff Calling for Farmers to Join its Board of Directors

Hoosier farmers interested in directing Indiana’s corn checkoff investments may now petition to run for one of the five seats up for election this year. The Indiana Corn Marketing Council (ICMC) will host elections for Board of Director positions in Districts 2, 5 and 8 and also for two, statewide, at-large seats.

“New people bring new perspectives and fresh ideas and will help us invest checkoff dollars wisely in our efforts to develop new markets, implement new research and increase promotional efforts of Indiana corn,” said ICMC President Tim Gauck, a Greensburg, Ind., farmer. “We rely on farmers to fill these leadership positions to keep the state’s corn checkoff strong. For many years, Indiana corn growers have benefitted from the volunteer leaders of the ICMC board.”

Gauck added that Indiana’s corn checkoff program actively advocates the production and use of ethanol, develops new markets around the world and promotes farm safety through its Grain Bin Safety program – among other projects. For more, go online to

ICMC was established by the Indiana General Assembly in 2007 to promote the interests of corn growers in the state and to manage corn checkoff funds. Led by a board of 17 voting directors who guide corn checkoff funds on behalf of more than 20,000 Indiana corn farmers, ICMC aids corn farmers through its strategic initiatives of market development; environmental, social and economic sustainability; value creation and producer engagement.

To run for an ICMC director seat, Indiana corn farmers must be at least 18 years old, a registered Indiana voter, and a resident in the appropriate district. All farmers who submit a valid petition by June 1 will be listed as a candidate on the election ballot. Voting will be at Purdue Cooperative Extension Service offices in August.

Three current ICMC directors will complete their third, three-year term this year and are not eligible for re-election. Exiting the board at the end of the year are Kelly Whiteman Snipes in District 2, Mike Beard in District 5, and At-Large Director Sarah Delbecq.

Here is the breakdown of each district:

  • District 2 includes the counties of Carroll, Cass, Elkhart, Fulton, Kosciusko, Marshall, Miami, St. Joseph and Wabash.
  • District 5 includes the counties of Bartholomew, Boone, Clinton, Decatur, Grant, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Howard, Johnson, Madison, Marion, Morgan, Rush, Shelby and Tipton.
  • District 8 includes the counties of Brown, Crawford, Floyd, Harrison, Jackson, Lawrence, Monroe, Orange, Perry and Washington.
  • Two statewide At-Large seats represent and are elected by farmers from all 92 Indiana counties.

Farmers can download any necessary forms at or by sending an email to ICMC Board Leadership Manager Amber Myers at or by calling 317-644-2863. Forms are also available at all Purdue County Extension offices.

Newly elected directors will begin a three-year term Oct. 1, 2024. ICMC directors can serve three consecutive full terms or a total of nine consecutive years.

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