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Purdue Ag Week to Feature Student-led Activities Celebrating Agriculture

Purdue University students enjoying the site of cattle on campus during Purdue Ag Week. Photo: Tom Campbell / Purdue University.

During the week of April 1-5, Purdue University’s College of Agriculture will host Ag Week on Memorial Mall. Ag Week is an annual series of student-led events that highlight the giant leaps occurring within the College of Agriculture and the agriculture industry.

The Purdue Ag Week Task Force, a team of 20 students, has planned the following events:


Each day during this week, College of Agriculture student organizations will also set up booths on Memorial Mall from 10 a.m-3 p.m. to promote their clubs and share information about their sector of the agriculture industry. The Ag Week Task Force will also be handing out free promotional items daily.

You can stay connected with Purdue Ag Week on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter/X and YouTube at @PurdueAgWeek.

Source: Purdue University College of Agriculture