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Boozman Releases Senate Ag Republicans’ Framework for New Farm Bill

Sen. John Boozman (R-AR), center, who also serves as Ranking Member of the Senate Ag Committee, was part of a farm listening tour with his Senate colleagues Mike Braun (R-IN), at left, and Todd Young (R-IN), at right, at a farm in Tippecanoe County in July 2023. Photo: Eric Pfeiffer / Hoosier Ag Today.

The framework for a new Farm Bill put together by Senate Ag Republicans was released on Tuesday by Senator John Boozman (R-AR), Ranking Member of the Senate Ag Committee.

Among the highlights of the Farm Bill framework issued by Senate Ag Republicans include modernizing the farm safety net, facilitating the expansion of access to overseas markets, and fostering breakthroughs in ag research.

Boozman issued the following statement on the Senate Republican’s Farm Bill framework:

“From the onset of this process, we have sought to draft a Farm Bill that reflects the needs of stakeholders. The world has changed dramatically since the 2018 bill became law, and the unprecedented challenges and economic uncertainty that farmers face now are only projected to get worse in the coming years. 

Following on the House Committee on Agriculture’s bipartisan passage of farmer-focused farm bill, we are putting forth a framework that exhibits a shared common ground with our Democrat counterparts on several key priorities and offers a path forward in the places where we differ.

Our framework builds on the momentum from committee passage in the House and Chairwoman Stabenow’s release of Senate Democrats’ priorities. I am eager to follow the House’s lead and draft a bill that will garner support on both sides of the aisle.

I have been proud to partner with Chairwoman Stabenow on priority issues and shepherd significant reforms into law, particularly the accomplishments focused on climate and nutrition. These accomplishments would not have been possible without a commitment to working together as good faith partners. Senate Republicans have every intention of continuing farm bill negotiations in the same manner and remain committed to advancing a bipartisan farm bill that meets the needs of farmers, ranchers, foresters, rural communities and consumers nationwide.”

Last month, the House Ag Committee advanced its version of the Farm Bill, also known as The Farm, Food and National Security Act of 2024 (HB 8467). The bill has yet to be considered for a full vote before the U.S. House.

U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), who serves Senate Ag Chair, had previously released an outline of the Senate Ag Democrats’ version of the Farm Bill last month.

Following the release of Senate Ag Republican’s farm bill framework, ag leaders have issued the following statements.

Rep. Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson (R-PA-15), Chairman of the House Ag Committee:

“Ranking Member Boozman and Senate Agriculture Republicans have put forward a slate of thoughtful proposals that must be addressed in the next farm bill. Their framework elevates the urgent needs voiced by diverse stakeholders across the country, and articulates common-sense solutions in response, an approach the House Committee on Agriculture took in developing and advancing the bipartisan Farm, Food, and National Security Act of 2024. House Republicans are eager to build on this momentum and enact a comprehensive farm bill that meets the needs across the agricultural value chain.”

Zippy Duvall, President of the American Farm Bureau Federation:

“Farm Bureau appreciates Senator Boozman’s release of an outline for a new, modernized farm bill that increases investments in the farm safety net and advances voluntary conservation efforts. His plan, combined with Senator Stabenow’s previously released outline, brings into better focus each party’s vision for this important legislation.

“This is encouraging progress in the Senate, but there is much work to be done. There are stark differences between the two outlines and we urge Chairwoman Stabenow and Ranking Member Boozman to find common ground on the important issues that farmers and ranchers face. We urge the Senate Agriculture Committee to use these outlines to draft a bipartisan farm bill that updates the farm safety net and makes crop insurance more accessible, and to schedule a Committee markup soon. The farm bill benefits every family in America. They’re relying on Congress to get the job done.”

Lori Stevermer, President of the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC):

“On behalf of America’s 60,000+ pork producers, we thank Ranking Member Boozman for a farm bill framework that listens to and answers producers’ calls for foreign animal disease prevention resources, market access expansion, relief from burdensome multi-state regulations, and more. After a successful markup of the House Agriculture Committee’s Farm Bill, we urge swift action by Chairwoman Stabenow and Ranking Member Boozman to protect producers from a patchwork of regulations across 50 states and provide certainty to the food supply chain.”

Mark Eisele, President of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA):

“Thank you to Ranking Member Boozman for building on the successful, bipartisan work of Chairman GT Thompson, to put forward a Farm Bill that cattle producers across the country can proudly support. This Senate Farm Bill framework understands the full threat of a foreign animal disease outbreak on U.S. soil and acknowledges that cattle farmers and ranchers carry out vital work, through voluntary conservation programs, to preserve our Nation’s natural resources. NCBA welcomes this positive step forward and urges the Senate to follow the Ranking Member’s lead, as the policy ideas in this framework have already received bipartisan support in the House.”

Keef Felty, President of the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG):

“NAWG commends Ranking Member Boozman for continuing to move the process forward by releasing his version of a farm bill. We appreciate his farm bill proposal, which protects crop insurance and incorporates policies we advocated for. This is a step in the right direction and will hopefully lead to Senate action soon.”

“The farm bill is one of the most impactful pieces of legislation when it comes to protecting our food supply and food security, advancing conservation and environmental stewardship, and ensuring the farmers who produce our food can feed a growing population.”

“We will continue to review this proposal and urge members in both chambers to get a bipartisan farm bill signed into law this year.”

Gregg Doud, President and CEO, National Milk Producers Federation:

“Dairy farmers and their cooperatives commend Senate Agriculture Committee Ranking Member John Boozman, R-AR, for issuing a strong farm bill framework that marks another important step toward enacting a bipartisan farm bill into law this year. Ranking Member Boozman’s framework includes numerous dairy priorities, such as reauthorizing and updating the vital Dairy Margin Coverage safety net and advancing NMPF-led bipartisan bills to spur approval of innovative feed ingredients, protect the use of common food names, and boost consumption of nutritious milk among our nation’s youth.

“A five-year farm bill provides producers with certainty as they manage their risk and resources and feed consumers at home and abroad. We stand ready to continue working with House and Senate Ag leaders in both parties to complete the job this year.”

An overview of the framework and title by title highlights released by Senate Ag Republicans are available through the links below.

Key Priorities

Short Summary

Title I – Commodities

Title II – Conservation

Title III – Trade

Title IV – Nutrition

Title V – Credit

Title VI – Rural Development

Title VII – Research

Title VIII – Forestry

Title IX – Energy

Title X – Horticulture

Title XI – Crop Insurance

Title XII – Miscellaneous