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Earlier this week, Republicans on the Senate Ag Committee released their framework for a new Farm Bill. But, just how different are their proposals from the ones that were put out last month by Senate Ag Committee Democrats?
“Some key differences that are going to define the debate going forward are primarily in places like the nutrition title and what the proposals are – policy proposals – that different leaders have,” says Joby Young, Executive Vice President of American Farm Bureau.
“Another piece is what the conservation programs look like going forward. They’ve made a lot of progress in the last few months, moving closer together on conservation, but there’s still a little bit of pencil sharpening left to go to have some final agreement on that piece,” says Young.
Even though there are distinct policy differences when it comes to the Farm Bill—such as funding for SNAP, and whether additional oversight should be in place for the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), Young says there are some commonalities from both sides.
“What we’re seeing in the proposals that are coming out from all of our leaders on the Senate Ag Committee is the broad recognition that the ag provisions of the farm bill do need some updates—like looking at our ag programs and updating pieces of that to meet the economic changes we’ve seen over the last few years. The value of crop insurance and finding ways to improve and expand crop insurance are some of the commonalities,” he says.
So, what’s next for the Senate Ag Committee?
“Well, what we’re hoping for is now that Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) and Ranking Member John Boozman (R-AR) both have proposals out there that are summaries, that we’ll see bill text, and we’ll see a markup scheduled, and they’ll take what they put here in sort of outline format and memorialize it and formalize it into bill text, so they can go and have a hearing, and have a markup, and pass the farm bill on the Senate side,” Young says.
Last month, the House Ag Committee advanced its version of the Farm Bill, also known as The Farm, Food and National Security Act of 2024 (HB 8467). That bill is currently up for consideration before the U.S. House.
Click HERE for the Farm Bill framework summary provided by Senate Ag Committee Republicans.
Click HERE for the Farm Bill framework summary provided by Senate Ag Committee Democrats.