Indiana Republican Party convention delegates chose Noblesville pastor Micah Beckwith as the GOP nominee for Lieutenant Governor—which would make him the head of the Indiana State Department of Agriculture should he and GOP gubernatorial nominee Mike Braun win the general election this November.
In Indiana, the Lieutenant Governor is also the state’s Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development and oversees the following state agencies:
- Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA)
- Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA)
- Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA)
- Indiana Destination Development Corporation (IDDC)
If Beckwith is elected Indiana’s next Lieutenant Governor, he would be the direct report over both the Director of ISDA and Executive Director of the Office of Community and Rural Affairs.
Indiana’s Lieutenant Governor also serves as the President of the Indiana Senate, presiding over the Senate during its session, as well as casting deciding votes in the event of a tie.
The Lieutenant Governor of Indiana also chairs the Indiana Mental Health Roundtable, the Intellectual and Development Disabilities Task Force, and the Civics Education Commission.
Indiana GOP Delegates named Beckwith by a narrow margin on Saturday over Braun’s handpicked choice, first term State Rep. Julie McGuire.
Jennifer McCormick is Indiana’s Democrat nominee for Governor. However, she has yet to submit a nominee for Lieutenant Governor, who would have to be chosen by delegates during the upcoming Indiana Democrat Party State Convention on July 13.
So far, the two Democrat candidates who have formally announced their candidacy for Indiana Lt. Governor are Bob Kern and Clif Marsiglio.