Tri-County FFA Shares Their Indiana FFA Convention Week Experience

Students in blue corduroy jackets braved the 90+ degree heat as they walked across the Purdue University campus Wednesday as the Indiana FFA State Convention continued. It concludes today with the installation of new state officers.

I caught up with members from the Tri-County FFA Chapter Wednesday morning. You can catch our chat in the video on our Facebook page, @hoosieragtoday, proudly presented by McDonald’s of Greater Indiana. They’re excited to usher in the next generation of Hoosier farmers and agriculturalists!

Ava Woods, Tri-County FFA incoming Vice President, shared what convention week has been like so far.

“It’s a lot of fun, but we’re also very busy. It is very tiring. I started this week on Monday with vet science, and we did okay. I mean, not top four, but hey, we did well. And then yesterday (Tuesday), I competed in prepared public speaking as well as having a plant soil science demo.”

Ava shared more about her prepared public speaking competition, telling me that it was a 6-8-minute speech she wrote and presented to judges who then asked her some questions.

“My speech was about ag advocacy, focusing more on the livestock industry and advocating for the livestock industry because ag advocacy is such a broad topic that I could talk about grain farming or animal agriculture, but I decided, with animals of my own and with my mom as a large animal vet, I decided to focus more on the animal agricultural industry.”

Catch the video at our Facebook page or below.

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