
In West Central Indiana Keep Eye on Tar Spot – Hoosier Ag Today
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In West Central Indiana Keep Eye on Tar Spot


Levi Riggs of Riggs Ag Solutions

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The Indiana corn crop is now rated 67 percent good to excellent and soybean ratings are at 66 percent. Those ratings appear to track pretty well with the crops in west-central Indiana, according to Levi Riggs of Riggs Ag Solutions.

“That’s probably right,” he said. “I think in in my geographical area here in West Central, Indiana, Hendricks County, Boone, Putnam, our crops look really pretty good. We got planted early and on time with not a lot of replant, so I feel like maybe we’re a little bit better than most, but I’d say that that’s probably accurate.”

Riggs is a Channel Seed Pro, and he told HAT in the new Channel Seeds growing season update that a lot of corn is shorter this year with the early heat, but also tar spot has come about 2 weeks early.

“With tar spot, these humid, wet conditions that we may find ourselves in, it could proliferate into something bigger, so definitely be looking at that. Consider a shot of Delaro Complete on that to deal with tar spot and northern corn leaf blight and gray leaf spot. It’s also great on frog eye, but I think that’s the big thing right now, is tar spot can be nothing and we’ve been fortunate for it to come in late after a lot of grain fill late in the season in previous years, but just the fact that it’s here so much earlier is a little bit more worrisome.”

He says the ideal application timing is “right at full tassel is the best time to hit it if you use a little bit higher rate you can buy yourself about another week to 10 days of efficacy, and timing with tar spot is the tricky part.”

Riggs is optimistic that yield results come harvest can be very good in a year that has benefited from good planting conditions and rainfall. Hear more in the full HAT and Channel Seeds growing season update:

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