Indiana’s corn and soybean crops are both rated at 67 percent good-to-excellent, according to the USDA’s Weekly Crop Progress Report.
This week’s percentages reflect a one-point increase for Indiana’s soybeans, while the state’s corn crop rating remains unchanged.
Across the U.S., 68 percent of the nation’s corn and soybean crops are rated in good-to-excellent condition.
“The average temperature for the week was 75.3 degrees Fahrenheit, 0.1 degrees above normal for the State. The statewide average precipitation was 2.23 inches, 1.31 inches above normal. There were 4.1 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending July 14,” according to Nathanial Warenski, State Statistician with the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Indiana Field Office.
Forty-two percent of Indiana’s corn is silking and three percent is in the dough stage. Meanwhile, 51 percent of the state’s soybean crop is blooming and 21 percent is setting pods.
94 percent of the Indiana’s winter wheat is harvested.
Source: USDA