69% of Indiana Corn, 68% of Soybeans Rated Good-to-Excellent

Strong winds from recent storms caused some corn to lean, but continued rainfall strengthened crop conditions across Indiana last week. The Crop Progress report from USDA’s Indiana NASS Field Office shows Indiana corn is rated 69% good-to-excellent compared to the nationwide rating of 67%. Hoosier soybeans are right on par with the national rating at 68%.

With the recent storms we’ve had, perhaps the better news is that we’re only seeing 8% of both corn and soybeans across the state reported as poor-to-very poor.

Indiana State Statistician Nathanial Warenski with USDA NASS says both corn silking and soybean blooming progress continued ahead of schedule. You can see the chart below for details. He adds that farmers were wrapping up winter wheat harvest, and pasture conditions remained stable, while second cutting hay yields were reported to be lower.

Warenski also says farmers were active with vegetable harvest, fungicide applications, roadside mowing, and county fair activities.

crop progress


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