Study: Pork Industry Contributes Over $62 Billion to US Economy


The National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) released a new economic contribution report detailing the significant impact America’s pig farmers have on the United States’ agricultural and overall economy.

“America’s pork industry is a vital pillar of our nation’s agricultural economy, contributing over $62 billion annually and supporting hundreds of thousands of jobs across the country,” said NPPC President Lori Stevermer, a pork producer from Easton, Minn.

Key takeaways in the report include:

  • The pork industry supports an estimated 573,311 direct, indirect, and induced jobs in the United States.
  • In 2023, more than 60,000 pig farms sold more than 149 million hogs worth over $27 billion in gross cash receipts.
  • The U.S pork industry supports more than $37 billion in personal income and boosts economic activity in related services such as trucking, grain elevators, insurance, and other rural-based businesses.
  • Approximately 25% of U.S. pork was exported abroad in 2023, amounting to nearly 7 billion pounds of pork valued at over $8 billion. Pork exports help support more than 143,000 U.S. jobs.
  • The pork industry generates significant economic activity through its purchase of inputs. Feed inputs, such as corn and soybean meal, account for an estimated 52% of total U.S. production costs with purchases valued at nearly $13 billion annually.


“Last year brought significant financial challenges for U.S. pork producers, marked by decreased gross cash receipts and a substantially higher average cost of production in 2023,” said Holly Cook, NPPC economist. “Despite these hurdles, this report demonstrates that the pork industry remains a vital contributor to the nation’s economy and a key player in global trade.”

For more pork industry economic data, visit:

Source: National Pork Producer’s Council

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