70% of Indiana Corn, 69% of Soybeans in Good-to-Excellent Condition

According to the Crop Progress report released by USDA’s Indiana NASS Field Office on Monday, Indiana’s corn and soybean crops remain ahead of schedule and in very good condition.

70% of Indiana’s corn crop is rated in good-to-excellent condition. That compares to the national rating of 68%.

Nationally, soybeans are rated 67% good-to-excellent while Indiana beans are better at 69%.

Corn silking progress remains ahead of the five-year average pace at 81% complete. Nearly half of the Indiana soybean crop was setting pods (48%).

For more on crop conditions around the state, tune in to the latest Purdue Crop Podcast below with Purdue Extension’s corn and soybean specialists Dr. Dan Quinn and Dr. Shaun Casteel.


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