USDA’s Julia Wickard Honored with Two Separate Recognitions During Indiana State Fair

Julia Wickard (center) with her husband, Chris (at left) and mom (at right) during the Celebration of Ag ceremony hosted by the Indiana State Department of Agriculture inside the Normandy Barn during the 167th Indiana State Fair. Photo courtesy of Julia Wickard.

It’s an amazing achievement to be recognized by your peers with an award. But, for one Indiana ag leader, she’s received one statewide award—and has been nominated for another national award in the course of just the past two weeks!

“My love is just serving people and I’m very blessed to have been part of this my entire career,” says Julia Wickard, State Executive Director of the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) in Indiana.

During the first week of the Indiana State Fair, she received the 2024 Women in Agriculture Leadership Award from Purdue Extension.

Then during the second week of the fair, Wickard was surprised by her team when they told her they had nominated her for the FSA’s Administrator’s Award for Service to Agriculture.

“When I think about awards, I think about the people that I’ve served and served with over my career—whether it’s now with the Indiana USDA Farm Service Agency or the numerous commodity organizations and farm groups in this state,” says Wickard. “It’s about getting the work done, doing it for farmers, doing it for our stakeholders and our partners, and ultimately making a difference.”

Wickard says her connection with Indiana’s farm community goes far beyond serving in a leadership role with FSA. She and her husband Chris own and operate a cattle farm near Greenfield in Hancock County.

“I get up everyday, I go to the barn, feed the animals, go to work in it everyday and I come home to it every night. I do it because I love agriculture, I love this state, and I love serving the American Farmer. That’s why I do what I do.”

She adds that the advice that she gives to others is the same advice that was given to her early in her career.

“Never say ‘Never’ to an opportunity,” she says. “Walk through the door and see what’s on the other side. You may not think that that job or internship is something that you find interesting, but probably what you’ll find is that you’re going to learn something from that experience and you’re going to take something from it that’s going to make you a more well-rounded, better person. Take advantage of every opportunity that’s in front of you.”

Click BELOW to hear Hoosier Ag Today’s news report on Julia Wickard’s award presented to her during the Indiana State Fair by Purdue Extension, as well as her team with FSA nominating her for the Administrator’s Award for Service to Agriculture.

Julia Wickard during the Celebration of Ag ceremony, hosted by the Indiana State Department of Agriculture, inside the Normandy Barn during the 167th Indiana State Fair. Photo courtesy of Julia Wickard.

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