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What’s to Blame for the High Price of Eggs?


Looking for someone or something to blame for these high prices we’re seeing for eggs?

USDA livestock analyst Shayle Shagam says egg production is down from last year. Supplies are tight, and the reason for that is avian influenza, which has resulted in the loss of millions of egg-laying hens.

The flock, as of this July, sits at 305 million birds, “Compared to the previous year, when they were about 313 million,” says Shagam. “So, a smaller number of birds. As a result, we’re getting a smaller amount of table egg production.”

Shagam expects that in 2025, the size of the laying flock will increase, bringing on higher egg production, and with it, “we would expect to see egg prices decline as we move into 2025 with the increased production.”

That’s assuming there are no more bird flu outbreaks.

Source: USDA Radio