AgriNovus Indiana Connecting College Students to Agriculture Careers


Blake Talbert graduated from Franklin College recently with a degree in computer science and data science. He knew that degree would be beneficial in today’s computer and data-driven world, but he didn’t know it would drive him toward agriculture, not until he made the connection with AgriNovus Indiana through their Field Atlas program that helps build awareness of the agbioscience industry and connects college students with careers and on-farm experiences.

Blake connected with AgriNovus during his sophomore year, and he’s learned a lot since then about how he could contribute to the ag industry.

Blake Talbert
Blake Talbert, Franklin College

“I think, as a data scientist, more analysis needs to be done and more technology can be implemented with farming to improve efficiency, especially moving towards sustainability. I think technology and data science will play a huge role.”

Blake tells Hoosier Ag Today that a lot of the data gathered now goes to companies. He’d like to get more of that data in the hands of farmers and help them learn what do with it to really unleash their potential of data-driven decision making.

He says without this connection to AgriNovus and the Field Atlas platform, he likely never would have thought about the ag industry as a potential career opportunity.

“It not only made the difference and made me consider it- I think that was huge- but it also gave me a step in. I’m currently interning at a farm consultancy, and if I didn’t have that experience with AgriNovus where I could say, ‘Hey, I’m a data scientist. I’m not from a traditional agriculture background, but I can do these projects in agriculture, and I can understand the field.’ I think it both gave me confidence and it gave my employer confidence that I had that skill.”

Help spread the word- learn more about the Field Atlas program at the AgriNovus Indiana website.

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