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Cracks Showing in the Farm Bill Logjam


From left to right: Rep. Jim Costa (D-CA-21st District) and Rep. David Scott (D-GA-13th District), who also serves as the Ranking Member of the House Ag Committee. Both are among the most senior Democrats serving on the House Ag Committee. Photo courtesy of House Ag Committee Democrats.

While the 2024 Farm Bill has been stalled for multiple months, the legislative logjam is showing a few signs of breaking after key ag groups took to Capitol Hill last week to share the economic reality facing farmers and ranchers.

In a letter last week to House Ag Committee Democrats, Ranking Member David Scott (D-GA)  said, “We all know that Congress needs pressure to act. That’s why Chairman Thompson, Chairwoman Stabenow, Ranking Member Boozman, and I agree that we are better off without another extension at this point.”

After he met with farmers, Scott said if it looks like Congress won’t be able to pass a farm bill, they asked him if Congress would consider doing a two-year ad hoc package that would bolster the safety net for the 2024 and 2025 crop years.

“Farmers need the certainty and support, and we need to step up to this challenge,” Scott added.