
Sustainable Agriculture Grants Now Available from North Central Region SARE | Hoosier Ag Today
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Sustainable Agriculture Grants Now Available from North Central Region SARE


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Grant funding is available for farmers and others in the North Central region to improve sustainable agricultural practices here. The North Central Region-Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (NCR-SARE) program currently has four open grant programs to fund research and education projects that advance sustainable agricultural.

These grant programs are for farmers, ranchers, scientists, educators, institutions, organizations, and others exploring sustainable agriculture in the 12 states in the North Central region (Michigan, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Illinois, and Wisconsin).

“I think a great place to start is to go to, and look at what projects have been funded in the past by SARE,” advised Associate Director, North Central Region SARE, Betsy Wieland. “We look for projects that have farmers and ranchers involved in the process, from designing to implementing and sharing the results of their projects.”

NCR-SARE’s Current Open Grant Programs

Funding considerations are based on how well the applicant presents the problem being addressed, its relevance to sustainable agriculture in the 12-state North Central region, and how well it aligns with NCR-SARE’s goals.

“We look for projects that are addressing one of the three aspects of sustainability and agriculture. That’s helping agriculture be more environmentally sound, more socially fair, and also more economically viable for farming operations and their communities,” Wieland said. “Another great spot to learn more about our programs is our website, which is We’ve got tons of information checking out the call for proposals for each of the programs. There’s a ton of information on what’s eligible. We’ve got all the details there.”

NCR-SARE has awarded more than $100 million worth of competitive grants to farmers and ranchers, researchers, educators, public and private institutions, nonprofit groups, and others exploring sustainable agriculture in 12 states. Project abstracts and reports can be found by searching the SARE project database.

CLICK HERE for more information about Indiana SARE.